Toledo Bend Baptist Resort Minstry
Monday, October 14, 2024

Mission Project Application

Fill out the application below and copy and paste it into an email if you choose to copy it to an e-mail, there is a link to our e-mail address at the bottom of the page. If you wish to print it out and mail/fax  the application our mailing address and fax number can be found on the homepage.


Contact Information

Church Name:        Church Phone:

Church Address:   
 City, State, Zip: 

Person Making Request:      Position:

Address:                   Home Phone:
 City, State, Zip:       Office Phone:

On what dates could your group come to Toledo Bend Baptist Center for a mission project?

1st Choice:
2nd Choice:
3rd Choice:
Group Size

Number of Youth:    Number of Adults:   Total(10-32):


Youngest Member:   Majority:

Please answer yes or no to the following questions.

Your group should be prepared to provide the following for itself: Travel expenses, Transportation on the field, all meals, and $10.00 per person per day for housing on the field.  Also, an administration fee of $25.00 per person (T-shirt included) will be assessed.  Will you be able to pay this?



A deposit of $50 is required with the submitted application.  If the application is received prior to April 30, the deposit will be deducted from the housing and administration fees.  A full refund is available, should a cancellation be necessary, if notification of cancellation is received after May 1, the deposit is forfeited.  Do you agree to this?



Each member of your group should be able to witness to a lost person one-on-one.  Will your group be prepared to use a marked New Testament or tract and attempt to lead people to accept Christ as Savior?



The two major responsibilities of your group will be to lead and work in Back Yard Bible Clubs, Small Church VBS, and evening campfire services.  Your group will be called upon to direct, teach, and supervise children attending the BYBC, Small Church VBS, Children’s Entertainments, Campground Worship Services, and possibly some local church worship services.  Your group will need to prepare prior to arriving at the Center for the BYBC/VBS.  This preparation will include: teaching short Bible stories, games and activities that the children will participate in, music, recreation, and present day stories.  You will find all the information included in the literature for BYBC and your VBS materials.  You will need to have an adequate number of workers for each age group. Limited materials will be available to assist with recreation.  Assistance can be provided, if needed, in the preparation of materials that you will need, if specific instructions and examples are received at the ministry office prior to June 1.  Will your group be prepared to conduct the Backyard Bible Clubs, VBS, Children’s Entertainments, Worship Services, and Campfire Services?





Which of the following will your group be prepared to do in connection with both the Backyard Bible Clubs, Vacation Bible Schools, Children's Entertainments, and the Campfire Services?

Tell Bible Stories    Puppets    Music    Clowning
Testimonies    Recreation Activities    Drama
Chalk Talk    Other:

What previous mission projects has your group done?

Group Leader:    Date: